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UNODC and UNICRI Hold Consultative Dialogue on Strengthening Community Engagement to Prevent and Counter Links Between Terrorism and Organized Crime in Mali



Over the past years, the terrorism threat has surged in the Sahel, leading to a gradual spill-over effect into countries within the Gulf of Guinea. This phenomenon remains a source of concern, given that terrorism and organized crime groups mutually benefit from shared resources, activities, and experiences, leading to increased funding for illegal trafficking and violence.

In Mali, terrorism and violent extremism continue to pose a significant threat to local communities. Illicit trafficking of fuel, cattle and drugs have been identified among the most widespread forms of trafficking within the country and directly impact the safety of the Malian population.

The Malian government has undertaken several initiatives to prevent and counter terrorism and violent extremism, including in cooperation with UNODC and UNICRI. In 2023, UNODC and UNICRI initiated a joint project titled “Strengthening Capacities to Address the Nexus Between Terrorism and Transnational Organized Crime in Africa,” with Mali representing one of the partners, alongside Algeria, Benin, and Togo. 

As part of this project, UNODC and UNICRI convened a consultative meeting in Bamako on 20-22 February 2024. The event supported and bolstered cooperation among both government and non-governmental stakeholders, including women’s organizations, as well as fortified the resilience of communities facing challenges of both terrorism and organized crime.

During the first day of the event, various studies, research and practical cases were presented to participants on the role of communities in preventing and countering the nexus between terrorism and organized crime. During the second day, participants engaged in discussions on community initiatives and government policy measures implemented to prevent both terrorism and organized crime. The outcome of the meeting was the formulation of comprehensive recommendations to guide future actions in this field, such as considering socio-economic aspects while countering the links between terrorism and organized crime; more effectively supporting local authorities and communities who are typically the first ones to be exposed to terrorist and/or armed groups; and elaborating research on the phenomenon of the nexus between terrorism and organized crime in Mali.

This activity benefitted from the interventions of several national, regional, and international experts. Moreover, the opening ceremony involved the participation of high-level representatives from the Malian Ministries of Justice and Human Rights, Security and Civil Protection, and Religious Affairs, Worship, and Customs, as well as Resident Coordinator Office of the UN in Mali and several diplomatic missions. The participants’ active involvement and keen interest demonstrated throughout the sessions was one of the many indicators of the workshop’s success.

The initiative was funded by the United Nations Peace and Development Trust Fund (UNPDTF).