UNICRI Partnership Forum for Action
Goal 16 of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
Promoting peaceful and inclusive societies, justice and strong institutions
Rome and Turin, 14 December 2016
The United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI), in partnership with the Directorate General for Development Cooperation of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Italy, launches the first Forum focused on Goal 16 of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
The Forum will be taking place under the auspices of the Presidency of the Italian Council of Ministers. The United Nations Regional Information Centre (UNRIC) for Western Europe, the Italian Society for International Organizations (SIOI) and Compagnia di San Paolo are also contributing to the event.
Goal 16 of the Post Development Agenda is centered on promoting peaceful and inclusive societies, justice and strong institutions. Member States recognize that there can be no sustainable development without peace and no peace without sustainable development.
Fostering peaceful, just and inclusive societies, based on fair and robust justice systems and free from crime and violence, is the basis for fighting poverty and reducing inequalities while enhancing economic growth and stability, and protecting the environment. The Forum is built around the six elements of the Agenda: Justice, Dignity, People, Planet, Prosperity and Partnership.
The event will provide the framework to present UNICRI’s cross-thematic and system-wide approach to the sustainable development goals through discussion of regional national and local case studies, highlighting the good practices implemented that have triggered positive changes for peaceful and inclusive societies, justice for all and accountable and inclusive institutions.
UNICRI coordinates and conducts research and collaborates with Member States and local institutions by supporting policy formulation, implementation and evaluation, and field activities with the aim of establishing a reliable information base, and building technical assistance capacity on issues of social concern, including emerging and transnational forms of crime.
The Institute develops strategies, policies, practical models and systems for crime prevention and control, and promotes the rule of law so as to contribute to socioeconomic development, the protection of human rights and increased security. Strengthening justice, preventing illicit trafficking and transnational organized crime, promoting assets recovery, mitigating the risks related to the improper use of new technologies (including robotics and artificial intelligence) and chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear materials; preventing violent extremism, counterfeiting, cyber crimes and crimes against the environment are among the current priorities of UNICRI.
The Forum in Rome will take place at FAO Headquarters. A parallel event has being organized at UNICRI Headquarters in Turin focusing on the local dimension of the 2030 Agenda. High level experts, representatives from institutions, the academia and the private sector will discuss good practices and lesson learned in the area of empowering youth, reducing vulnerabilities and sharing knowledge. The events in Rome and Turin will contribute to the establishment of a knowledge and action platform to share good practices and enable future collaboration for the achievement of Goal 16 of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
The event will be live-streamed starting from 10 a.m. (CET) on www.unicri.it and www.onuitalia.it
For more information on the Forum please contact us at: Tel: +39 011 6537141, E-mail: publicinfo@unicri.it