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Strengthening Capacities to Address the Nexus Between Terrorism and Transnational Organized Crime in Africa

There is increasing recognition that terrorists can benefit from organized crime, whether domestic or transnational, through trafficking in arms, persons, drugs, cultural property, the illicit exploitation and trafficking of natural resources such as oil, precious metals and minerals, as well as timber, charcoal, and wildlife, the abuse of legitimate commercial enterprise, non-profit organizations, external donations, crowdfunding and proceeds of criminal activity, including kidnapping for ransom, extortion, bank robbery, as well as transnational organized crime at sea.

Africa has been particularly vulnerable to these linkages with terrorist and organized crime groups, with terrorism and violent extremism financed by illicit trafficking and other forms of illicit activities continuing across different regions of Africa, threatening peace and security, furthering conflict and fragility, and undermining development efforts.

Addressing these interlinked and destabilizing challenges of terrorism and organized crime, which in many regions are significant threats to security and undermine development, presents an important opportunity to respond to the Secretary-General’s vision of alignment between peace and security, human rights, and development.


Learn about the new initiative Strengthening capacities to address the nexus between terrorism and transnational organized crime in Africa

Factsheet NEXUS Africa

Fiche d'information NEXUS Afrique

Additional resources: Policy Toolkit on The Hague Good Practices on the Nexus between Transnational Organized Crime and Terrorism

At the Fifteenth Global Counterterrorism Forum (GCTF) Coordinating Committee in Malaga that is taking place from 13-14 March 2019, the Netherlands launched a Policy Toolkit developed by the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) with the view of operationalizing the GCTF The Hague Good Practices on the Nexus between Transnational Organized Crime and Terrorism. The toolkit provides local practitioners, policymakers and other governmental experts with a practical tool for the use and implementation of the Good Practices to address the challenge of the Nexus in various regions.

The Policy Toolkit is aimed at supporting concerned Member States in better understanding and addressing the nexus between transnational organized crime and terrorism.

Policy Toolkit:







For more information regarding the work conducted by UNICRI on the nexus between organized crime and terrorism please click here.

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