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Since its establishment, UNICRI has developed activities and conducted research in close cooperation with universities all around the world. Renowned professors have been involved in the development of Institute projects and participated in their implementation. Representatives from academia have also contributed to our publications.

UNICRI is currently working with several universities in:

  • Developing training activities for the judiciary;
  • Developing post-graduate courses;
  • Providing support during the preparation of new publications (including analytical reports and technical papers); 
  • Organizing events.

UNICRI is a partner of the International Internship Platform initiative, implemented by UNDP Lithuania, aimed at promoting international internships/stages of Lithuanian students and lecturers (academic staff training visits) in international organisations and international companies.

UNICRI is also a member of the global initiative Academic Impact, a program of the United Nations Outreach Division of the Department of Public Information which is open to all institutions of higher education granting degrees or their equivalent, as well as bodies whose substantive responsibilities relate to the conduct of research. UNICRI supports and actively engages in the realisation of the Academic Impact principles and wishes to play a pro-active role in the development of Academic Compact activities.